Together – Collaborative Family Law in Manitoba

We started the Evans Collaborative Family Law blog, Together, a little over a year ago to offer Manitobans straightforward information on issues our clients deal with routinely in our practice. So far, we’ve covered topics related to the collaborative divorce process, co-parenting, assisted human reproduction (fertility law), as well as other issues facing families who are re-forming after separation. As we get started on posts for 2020, we thought it might be helpful to new readers to do a round-up of what we’ve covered to date.

Communication After Divorce

If you’re co-parenting after separating, communication with your former spouse can be tricky, and keeping up to date with sports schedules, school events, and medical appointments isn’t easy even for families who live in the same household. In our post Is Your Co-parenting Communication a Strain? This App Could Help, James Pullar, an associate at Evans Family Law, examined a tech solution we often recommend to help parents avoid conflict.

Changes to Marriage and Divorce Stats Collection

StatsCan announced that it would no longer publish annual data on marriage and divorce rates and how they compare across jurisdictions. In my post, Family Law and the Importance of Data, I discussed the implications of this change for family law. 

Property Division and Divorce

Kelly Riediger, an associate at Evans Family Law, covered information that our clients often have questions about at the outset of their separation in her post, The Process of Dividing Property in a Divorce.

Surrogacy in Canada

My colleague, Chau Tran, took an informative look at a growing field of interest to many Manitobans who are looking for alternative ways to start a family in her post, Answers to the Top 5 Questions About Surrogacy and the Law in Canada.

Shift Work and Co-Parenting

In Erratic Shift Work and Children’s Care Scheduling, I examined the lack of attention to the issues separating parents face when they are employed in fields that require them to work varying shifts.

Holidays and Divorce

As we approached the holiday season, Evans Family Law principal lawyer, Greg Evans offered thoughtful advice about how to navigate the holidays when co-parenting in his post, How to Help Your Kids (and Yourself) Through the Holidays After Divorce.

We hope these posts have been helpful to our readers. If you’re new to the Together blog, we hope you’ll subscribe (using the form on the right) to get the latest posts sent directly to your email inbox. You can follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn too.

pichard pollock small imageBy Richard Pollock

Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover on the blog? If so, contact me to let me know.

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